Levoite 3D Multi-Marking Square for Woodworking

Levoite™ 3D Multi-Marking Square Protractor Miter Triangle Ruler Layout Measuring Tools

DESCRIPTION: Levoite 3D Multi-Marking Square, Feature Packed Aluminum Woodworking Square for Layout, Joinery, Assembly Check. 3D Multi-Marking Squ...

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Levoite 3D Multi-Angle Marking Square for Woodworking

Levoite™ Precision 3D Multi-Angle Marking Square

Description: 3D Multi-Marking Square is a woodworking layout & machine setup tool that adds a new dimension to your joinery.  Woodworking 3D Mu...

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No. 043 Plough Plane with 4 Blades for Woodworking
from $35.99

No. 043 Plough Plane with 4 Blades (3mm, 6mm, 9mm and 12mm)

o. 043 Plough Plane Perfect for cutting precise and parallel grooves, rebates and tongues, this versatile plough plane features a hard wearing rose...

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