Precision Miter Gauge and Extended fence System
Precision Miter Gauge and Extended fence System, giving you the flexibility to make cuts on a variety of materials, workpieces and woodworking applications. woodworking miter gauge used with T tracks fence backer DIY table saw router box joint jig wood working tools and accessories.
0 15 22.5 45 Degree Fast angle setting for convinient work. Made of all aluminum alloy, sturdy to use and precision woodworking.
1. solid aluminum with a hardened anodized surface, provide you with precision angle cutting and wood pushing.
2. Fast common angle setting for you, angle setting range from 0-60 degree.
4. Fits for most kinds of table saw.
5. Extended fence for easy longer wood boards cutting.
6. Comfortable size for handle.
7. Double head preciison fence stop.