Stock Guides

Table saw Stock Guides

A precision tool designed to elevate your table saw experience and deliver unparalleled control and safety while achieving flawless, meticulously smooth cuts. With Clear-Cut Stock Guides, you'll achieve safer, smoother, and more precise cuts as your work remains perfectly positioned.

The Clear-Cut Stock Guides give you complete control of your stock even when routing wide boards or large panels. Woodworking assembly table saw clear cut press stock push guide table saw cutting pushing guide.

Levoite Clear-Cut Precision Stock Guides For Table Saws

Clear-Cut Precision Stock Guides For Table Saws

DESCRIPTION : The Precision Clear-Cut Stock Guides for your table saw offer superior control of your work achieving safer, smoother and more precis...

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Levoite™ Precision Stock Guides for Table Saw or Router Table
from $77.99

Levoite™ Precision Clear Cut Stock Guides for Table Saw

DESCRIPTION : The Clear-Cut Stock Guides for your table saw offer superior control of your work achieving safer, smoother and more precise cuts wit...

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from $77.99
3D Pushblock for Woodworking

3D Pushblock

DESCRIPTION : 3D Pushblock : For use with table saws, router tables, band saws, and jointers. Don’t use a table saw without it.3D Pushblock is engi...

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Levoite™ Table Saw Alignment Gauge Dial Indicator

Levoite™ Table Saw Alignment Gauge Adjustable Dial Indicator Gauge

DESCRIPTION : Levoite Precision Table Saw Alignment Gauge Adjustable Dial Indicator Gauge. The most reliable and accurate way to do this is with a ...

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